Green Street Mosaics on Etsy features mosaic mirrors, custom name mosaics, address signs, picture frames, and more. The materials I use are colorful glass tiles that I cut with tile nippers into the size and shape that I am looking for. After adhering the glass, I grout, clean, polish, and seal.
Green Street Mosaics was “born” in January 2012 and is named after the beautiful tree lined street in the Historic District of downtown Annapolis where my husband and I lived before recently moving to Florida. I am lucky that I now have a dedicated studio of my own in our new home in St. Petersburg. In my workspace you will find lots and lots of colored tiles and various works in progress.
The mosaics that I enjoy creating the most are custom name mosaics. I have created name signs for new babies, in memory of loved ones, for father’s day, birthday, anniversary gifts - you name it. I love the idea of taking such small pieces of glass and forming a name or image that is special and personal.
I also really love playing around with different color combinations. I have hundreds of different colors arranged in bins in my studio. When I start a new piece, it is like a kid in a candy store deciding which colors I want to work with next.
Favorite quote... "Little by little does the trick " - Aesop. This sums up how I feel about mosaics. Each little piece of glass comes together with every other little piece of glass to create something beautiful.
Here are some fabulous studio pictures: